20 Years 1998-2018

Cycling in Valdobbiadene and Prosecco Valley

Cycling in Valdobbiadene and Prosecco Valley


The Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene are a UNESCO Natural Heritage Site located in the North-East of Italy. Considered one of the most well-known and important areas for world oenology, it is characterized by panoramic views and organic and continuous landscapes that include vineyards and small villages. Here the Glera grape is used to produce the highest quality Prosecco wine, in a land where taste and beauty blend masterfully. We will cover part of the 50 kilometres, with our authorized cycle tourist guide, useful to be able to experience a landscape created to perfection! We will travel along all secondary roads, passing along all the small villages called "The most beautiful villages in Italy" immersed in the vineyards and hills of the UNESCO heritage, such as Follina with its fascinating Abbey. Here an authorized tour guide will be waiting for us to introduce us to the famous Romanesque frescoes! We will continue to Cison di Valmarino with its majestic Brandolini Castle, Rolle and a worthy conclusion of this beautiful itinerary with a stop at the ancient and famous Molinetto della Croda which still preserves the wooden wheel and where you can watch the milling of the wheat. Stop for free lunch or on request. At a restaurant or wine cellar where, without exaggerating, a good glass of prosecco and a platter of typical cheeses and cured meats will be truly welcome after an intense bike ride. Conclusion of the route towards the Santo Stefano Vineyards.


Meeting with our cycling guide who will give information on this truly full immersion itinerary between Art and Nature! We start from the city of Follina, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, towards Valdobbiadene. We will cross the Piave river, considered sacred to the Italian homeland due to the historical events that occurred during the First World War. The direction is towards Crespano del Grappa until we reach the destination of our Asolo itinerary. Here our tour guide awaits us to walk through the elegant streets of this village. Gathered within the ancient walls that branch off from the Rocca, an irregular polygon fortress from the 12th century built on the top of Mount Ricco, Asolo with its powerful structure attracts many visitors also because it was a place appreciated by very important figures of culture, art and politics of every historical period. Caterina Ciornaro, Queen of Cyprus, retired here at the behest of the Republic of Venice and centuries later another "heroine" Eleonora Duse also made Asolo her "Buen Retiro". The guided tour of approximately 2 hours will then allow an obligatory stop in Piazza Garibaldi with its fountain, bell tower and castle tower for a snack or a delicious coffee with typical sweets. Time available and return to the starting point.

With our cycling and tourist guides we will visit two Venetian towns of undoubted fame: Marostica and Basano del Grappa!
We start from Marostica where we will meet our tour guide for the artistic journey. Lying on the foothills that extends from the Astico to the Brenta, not far from Vicenza and Bassano del Grappa, the city of Marostica is enclosed within the ancient walls of its castles and still preserves the magic of past eras. The characteristic city walls from Colle Pausolino and descends to the historic center, connecting the Upper Castle to the Lower Castle. The Carmini path is the panoramic route that follows the walls giving visitors a suggestive panorama. Doglione, formerly called Rocca di Mezzo, dating back to medieval times, is worth a visit. The building was first a toll booth for incoming and transit goods and then home to the Chancellery of the protocol archive and the armoury. The famous chess game is considered the maximum expression of the Marostica tradition, a magical moment for the Vicenza town, also called the City of Chess. It is a medieval re-enactment that comes back to life every two years in the famous Piazza degli Scacchi, in front of the Lower Castle, and which takes inspiration from a legend. It is said, in fact, that in 1454 two noble warriors both fell in love with Lionora, daughter of the Castellan of Marostica. He forbade the two contenders to fight in a bloody duel, instead imposing a singular chess challenge. The game with living pawns is played on the second Friday, Saturday and Sunday of September in even years and involves more than five hundred participants dressed in period costumes.
Stop for a quick snack and then by bicycle we will travel the distance from Marostica to Bassano del Grappa, a town so linked to the history of Italy for the events of the First World War and the brave Alpine corps. In fact, the first stop will be at the famous Ponte Vecchio, designed by Andrea Palladio and symbol of the city. We will visit the Ezzelini Castle with the route of the internal section of the walls. Stop at the Grappa Museum to learn about this tradition of Italian distillation. The oldest distillery was born here in Bassano in 1779, in the tavern adjacent to the famous bridge. Until then, grappa was produced in farmers' homes. At the end of this intense day it will be possible to see a local distillery.
Please note it is possible to stay overnight in Marostica to attend the Chess Match in September according to the year.




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